Behind The Veil
He always stands alone and nobody wants him,
Behind the veil with the truth;
Open the waters to expose matters,
Like when success fails to come in.
Cheerful and childish,
Lonely and hopeless,
Better as expected from the traditions of the people;
A Philosophy,
A Notebook, .....BY Edward Kofi Louis
Maldives Association of Youth Voice - News Conference 28/09/2009
މޯލްޑިވްސް އެސޯސިއޭޝަން އޮފް ޔޫތް ގެ ނަމުގައި ޖަމިއްޔާއެއް އުފައްދައިފިއެވެ.
މި ޖަމްއިއްޔާ އުފެއްދުމުގެ މަގްސަދަކީ ރާއްޖެ ދެކެމުން މިދާ ޑިމޮކްރަސީގެ ޅަފަތުގައި ޒުވާނުންގެ ފުރިހަމަ ރޯލަކީ ގައުމެއް ގައުމަކަށް ހެދޭނީ ރަށު ބަންދުގައި ބަންދު ވެފައި ތިބޭ ރަށްވެހިނަށް ފާގަތި މުސްތަގްބަލެއް އަންނަން އޮތް ޖީލު ތަކަށް ވާސިލް ކޮށް ދެވޭނެ ހަމަ އެކަނި ވަސީލަތަކީ ޖަމްއިއްޔާ ޖަމާއަތް ތައް ކަމުން ޖަމްއިއްޔާ ތަކުގެ ރޯލް ފުޅާކޮށް ރަށްރަށުގެ ރަށް ވެހީންނަށް އެމީހުންގެ ހިތުގެ އުދާސްތައް ވެރިކަން ކުރާ ފަރާތްތަކަށް ރައްދުކޮށްދެވޭނީ ހަމައެކަނި މި ފަދަ ޖަމާއަތް ތަކަށް ކަމުގައި ދެކޭތީ ކަމުގައި މޯލްޑިވްސް އެސޯސިއޭޝަން އޮފް ޔޫތު ވޮއިސްގެ ޗެއަރ ޕަރސަން އިބްރާހިމް މުހައްމަދު މިއަދު 25ގައި އޮތް ނޫސްވެރިންގެ ބައްދަލުވުމެއްގައި ވިދާޅުވިއެވެ.
މި ޖަމްއިއްޔާ އަކީ މުޅި ރާއްޖެ އަށް ހާއްސަ ކޮށް އުފެއްދި ޖަމްއިއްޔާ އެއް ނަމަވެސް މި ޖަމްއިއްޔާގެ ފުރަތަމަ ޕްރޮގްރާމް ހިންގުމަށް ހަމަޖެހިފައި ވަނީ ނ. އަތޮޅު 3 ރަށެއްގައި ކަމުގައި އިބްރާހިމް މުހައްމަދު ވިދާޅުވިއެވެ.
އިބްރާހިމް މުހައްމަދު ވިދާޅުވިގޮތުގައި ރާއްޖޭގެ މާޒީގައި އުފެދިފައިވާ ގިނަ ޖަމްއިއްޔާ ތަކަކީ ހަމަ އެކަނި ކުޅިވަރަށް ހާއްސަ ކޮށް އުފެދިފައިވާ ޖަމްއިއްޔާ ތަކެއް ކަމަށާ ޒުވާން ރައްޔިތުންނަށް ފުރިހަމަ ވެއްޓެއް ޖަމްއިއްޔާ ތަކަށް ގާއިމް ކޮށްދެވިފައި ނުވާ ކަމުގައެވެ.
Copyright © 2004 & 2007 Ibrahim Mohamed! Inc. All rights
R.I.P Michael Jackson (We Miss You)
LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson, defined in equal parts as the world’s greatest entertainer and perhaps its most enigmatic figure, was about to attempt one of the greatest comebacks of all time. Then his life was cut shockingly — and so far, mysteriously — short.
The 50-year-old musical superstar died Thursday, just as he was preparing for what would be a series of 50 concerts starting July 13 at London’s famed 02 arena. Jackson had been spending hours and hours toiling with a team of dancers for a performance he and his fans hoped would restore his tarnished legacy to its proper place in pop.
An autopsy was planned for Friday, though results were not likely to be final until toxicology tests could be completed, a process that could take several days and sometimes weeks. However, if a cause can be determined by the autopsy, they will announce the results, said Los Angeles County Coroner Investigator Jerry McKibben.
Hooooreyyyyyyy! Hassan & Shifakko Wedding plan ahead on 9th June 2009..I'm getting ready to go there..!!!
Soon you'll be married. The sun will rise on your wedding day, and when it sets you'll be a married person.
For now, though, think of everything you've done to get ready for this one day. No matter how simple or elaborate your wedding will be, you've treated each part of it with exquisite care because you want it to be just right. All the things you've done have been with an eye on tomorrow, making sure that nothing is forgotten, that everything flows together like sweet music.
Planning & Preparation
getting started
Copyright © 2004 & 2007 Ibrahim Mohamed! Inc. All rights